Low overhead database security & caching

Datafort is a caching proxy that offers unprecedented performance and security for your databases right within your own cloud.

Seamlessly integrates with the infrastructure you love:


Intelligently and transparently cache query results in memory allowing for massive performance gains.


See exactly who is accessing specific data, when, and how often.


Automatically detect and block malicious or atypical queries based on usage patterns.

Protect your data the same way as your money

Datafort keeps a general ledger of who is accessing what data at any given time, and uses artificial intelligence to block fraudulent database activity

No Code Changes Required

Datafort sits right in between your application and your backend database. All you need to do is update your application's database settings and you're good to go!

Transparent Pricing

... because you've got better things to do than to go back and forth with sales reps

All Plans Include

  • Intelligent Cache
  • Google Cloud Support
  • MySQL Connector
  • PostgreSQL Connector
  • Datafort Protector
  • AWS Cloud Support
  • MariaDB Connector
  • RDS Connector
  • Datafort Auditor
  • Azure Support
  • MSSQL Server Connector
  • One-click Provisioning


$299 / month

1 Server


$499 / month

2 Servers


$999 / month

4 Servers

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